So, what is the point?
If you've read A Picture of Grace, then you know that these reflections are based on my journey as I experience God's grace through grief. I don't pretend to have any answers. It's just my honest, gut felt feelings and thoughts as I work my way through this valley with the LORD. It is in no way meant to minimize any one's hurt. This just happens to be my hurt.
Perspective is an odd thing. It seems to be colored and influenced by our circumstances. For instance, big life changes such as graduating school, getting that first job, marriage, the birth of children, growing older, and yes, death; they all color or change our perspective on how we see life.
As a principal, I often encountered situations where I was trying to find out the truth. It was usually something that involved students. I asked a lot of questions to help me paint a picture of what actually occurred. The core of the questioning was about finding out the actual problem - the focal point. Once determining that, it was easier to figure out what actually happened. However, when the problem (the focal point) kept shifting because of changing stories, it was quite difficult to determine the problem.
I think the same applies for our lives. We need a focal point from which everything is centered. Without it we're just floundering.
As a principal, I often encountered situations where I was trying to find out the truth. It was usually something that involved students. I asked a lot of questions to help me paint a picture of what actually occurred. The core of the questioning was about finding out the actual problem - the focal point. Once determining that, it was easier to figure out what actually happened. However, when the problem (the focal point) kept shifting because of changing stories, it was quite difficult to determine the problem.
I think the same applies for our lives. We need a focal point from which everything is centered. Without it we're just floundering.
According to the dictionary there are two definitions for perspective.
1. the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of the height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point
2. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view
My eighth grade art teacher, Mrs. Ellis taught me how to draw perspectives of streetscapes. The first thing to do was to place a dot on the paper. That dot became the focal point, the anchor, from which the rest of the drawing would unfold.
Our lives are similar to perspective drawings. Every breath we breathe, word we speak, action/reaction we take adds a little more to the picture of our lives. It's important that we have a fixed anchor point so that we don't go flailing through life when the storms come.
I love the song So Will I (100 Billion X) by Hillsong United. Check out the first line.
I love the song So Will I (100 Billion X) by Hillsong United. Check out the first line.
"God of creation there at the start before the beginning of time with no point of reference. You spoke to the dark and fleshed out the wonder of light."
Did you catch it? There was no reference point! Why? Because God IS the reference point. He IS the focus point. He IS the anchor. Everything emanates from JESUS!
For me, my reference point and anchor is JESUS.
When Carole and I were married we made sure the Gospel was shared before she and I stood before those gathered. We determined to make our marriage and raising a family about JESUS. Did we make mistakes? You bet we did! But our anchor never moved!
JESUS is the anchor that holds.
At Carole's Celebration of Life service I wanted the Gospel shared above all. As I told my pastor and friend, it was about JESUS when we got married, it was about JESUS while we were married, and it was going to be about JESUS at her funeral. And it will continue to be about JESUS as I move forward.
JESUS is the anchor that holds.
At Carole's Celebration of Life service I wanted the Gospel shared above all. As I told my pastor and friend, it was about JESUS when we got married, it was about JESUS while we were married, and it was going to be about JESUS at her funeral. And it will continue to be about JESUS as I move forward.
Thank GOD my ANCHOR holds!
If you are hurting, let me encourage you to fix your eyes on JESUS. He loves you and will not move, fail, or disappoint you.
Our lives are unfolding before us everyday. Let's be sure our perspective is anchored in the promises of JESUS.
Hebrews 12:1-3
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
What you focus on changes your whole perspective. Make sure you're focusing on the right point.
What you focus on changes your whole perspective. Make sure you're focusing on the right point.
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