A Picture of Grace

"Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." 

On October 7th, my world drastically changed. You see I had already endured a job change (see post titled Unfamiliar Journey) and begun a new career with a Fortune 100 company as an insurance agent. I remember the managing partner telling me that he considered meeting the needs of others through insurance as caring for widows and orphans. I never considered insurance like that, but on October 7th, I knew exactly what he meant.

On that day, Carole, my wife of almost 23 years, passed away in her sleep and went home to be with our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. In one brief moment, I became a widower, single parent, and home school dad while at the same time beginning a new career at the age of 50. My world had just been rocked!

When I set out to write posts for this blog, my intention was to write about faith, leadership, and the power of positive relationships from my experiences as a principal. Based on the events of October 7th, the focus has shifted to how I'm experiencing grace through grief and the deepening of my faith in Jesus.

I don't know why, but I find comfort expressing my feelings through writing and speaking. I don't know where the posts will go, but they will be raw. I pray that God will use this for His glory and bring others to salvation.

Scripture verses that I have read a hundred times before have suddenly come alive in new and meaningful ways. Grief is always present, but so is joy and peace that I can't explain (Philippians 4:6-7). A dear friend of mine sent me a devotion book titled New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. Each day is focused on grace. I have a lot that I could write about, but I want to share my thoughts on the devotion for November 10th and how I've experienced grace firsthand.

"He has called His children to be His ambassadors, that is, to represent His message and His character in whatever environment He has placed them. Here's the plan: a God of grace makes His invisible grace visible by sending His people of grace to reflect His grace to people who need grace. You have been called to be the look on His face, the tone of His voice, and touch of His hand. You are to represent His presence and His love. You are placed where you are to make His mercy and faithfulness visible and concrete.

This all means that your life doesn't belong to you anymore. You have been bought with a price. Your mentality, your personality, your emotionality, your physicality, your possessions, and all your relationships belong to you from the Lord for His using. So God's people of grace are driven to the throne of grace so that they can reflect His grace in the place where He calls them. You and I have no ability to represent God well. His ambassadorial call drives us to Him to receive the grace we need to represent His grace in the lives of others. What a plan!" New Morning Mercies, November 10

Indeed, what a plan! I have witnessed firsthand a picture of grace! My girls and I have experienced an outpouring of love from God's people that simply blows my mind! Many people are praying for us, bringing us food, and loving on us. Carole homeschooled our youngest, but praise the Lord for homeschool moms. They are committed to doing whatever it takes to helping her finish this year and being ready and prepared for the years to come. I receive a text with a prayer or word of encouragement from dear friends EVERYDAY. I have seen the look of God's love on the face of friends as they have cried, laughed, and sometimes sat silently and listened. I have seen God's love in the actions of my youngest's friends. How they have surrounded her with love and understanding. I  have heard His voice as brothers and sisters in Christ have told me, "I love you. I love your girls. How can I help you? We are praying for you." I have seen God in others as they have looked out for my family's interests before their own (Philippians 2:3-4). Taking time off work or time away from their family to minister to mine. I have felt the warm embrace of God as I've clung to friends and cried my eyes out. I have felt the presence of God when I'm face down emptying myself before Him. I have experienced God's grace!

Why do I say all of this? I say it because it matters. Every prayer, every look, every word, every touch, every act of kindness and service matters. Grace matters! It mattered to my girls and me! We are called to be bearers of God's grace, and I thank God for His grace and for those who have been the visible and physical representation of God's grace for me and my family!

I don't know what difficult time you may be facing right now, but please know that God's grace IS sufficient. He tells us so in 2 Corinthians 12:9.

So, grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.


  1. Thank you for sharing! You pointing to Jesus and bringing glory to God THROUGH your grief is an encouragement to many.

    1. Thank you! All I can say is that God is faithful and His grace truly is amazing!

  2. Bret, Jaime Bissa here. I was the ICLE consultant who conducted the IPA at your former school in 2017. I hope you remember me. I most certainly remember you! I was recently training with Diane Jones and I was extremely sad to learn you left Hoganville ES. Diane then shared the sad news with me of your wife passing. I want you to know I write this post with all sincerity....you need to know that it was evident you touched so many lives and brought light to others, including me! I know you will continue to SERVE and LEAD in other ways that will support and bring happiness to others. Take care. - Jaime

    1. Hi Jaime! I do remember you and I hope all is well. The LORD had other plans, but He is faithful. Thank you for your encouraging words as they mean a great deal to me! Please stay in touch. You take care too!


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