An Unfamiliar Journey

Think about the last time you went on a journey. Perhaps it was a vacation trip, a hike in the woods, visiting a different town or city, or your career path. You probably had it all mapped out, knew where you were headed, and how to get around.

But, what about the times you got turned around, misinterpreted the directions, got lost, or found yourself in an unfamiliar job? Frustration, uncertainty, anxiety, and maybe even fear crept into your thinking. You may have felt out of control and alone. I've had those feelings and they are no fun! I believe that we all like to be in control, and it can be scary when we're not. How do we handle those times when we find ourselves on an unfamiliar journey?

Well, this is where I find myself today. For the past twenty-five years, I've served as an educator - teacher, assistant principal, and principal. I had a successful track record and thought I had a handle on my journey. I loved what I did, the people I worked with, and the everyday challenges that stretched me as a leader. However, my journey took an unexpected turn leaving me in unfamiliar territory. As a result, I decided to take a different path and choose other options.

My journey reminds me of the time I spent the summer of 1989 in Mexico City, Mexico on a cross cultural mission project with 11 other college students. Since I grew up in a small town of ~1,000 people and two red lights, this was a big deal since the population of Mexico City was ~8.2 million people! I was certainly out of my comfort zone. It was culture shock, to say the least, in a lot of ways! Talk about an unfamiliar journey! You know what happened though? I wasn't alone on that trip. I found solace knowing that the leaders loved God, were like-minded, smart and capable, and had connections with people living in Mexico City.

Main Street of my hometown
Mexico City, Mexico

<--Culture Shock-->

It's amazing how much easier the journey is when you're with someone that's been there before.

Faith, leadership, and the power of positive connections made for an incredible summer that I will always remember. And, I have no doubt that these same traits will guide me on my new journey now!

If you're on an unfamiliar journey, reach out. There are those that have been where you are and can help guide you through it.

I want to hear from you. 
What have you put your faith in? Who do you have in your life that serves as a trusted friend or mentor who can guide you through unfamiliar territory? What principles guide you?
