If You Can't Grow There, Then Don't Go There

At some point, you have probably faced a time when you needed to make a decision and did not know what to do. You played out the scenarios of choosing one path over another and then took a leap of faith hoping it would work out.  I have found it helpful to have some guiding principles when making tough decisions.

More than two decades ago I was working on getting my master's degree in education and faced a particular decision that would impact my career direction going forward. I was newly married and early in my career as a teacher. I needed to pick a specialty. Did I want to focus on teaching or become an administrator?  I did not have all of the details worked out, but I knew that my career would be drastically different based on the decision I made. What was I to do?

For one of my master's classes, the instructor hosted a Q & A with a panel of highly respected educators in their field. One of the panel members was a principal and his reputation for integrity and excellence preceded him. During the Q & A, he said, "If you can't grow there, then don't go there."  I did not know it at the time, but that simple statement would go on to impact my life and serve as a guiding principle for making many decisions.

"If you can't grow there, then don't go there."

Later in the quarter (yes, we were actually on the quarter system then), I was able to meet with this principal/presenter after school one day. He said, "Choose the administrative route. God can use you as a teacher, but He can really do big things through you as the principal. If you have the administrative degree and He opens a door for you, you can walk through it. If you do not have it, you cannot." Boom! I chose the administrative degree and, believe me, it has provided a lot of opportunity for growth over the years. As a result, I have served as a teacher, assistant principal, instructional specialist, and principal. I have made connections with educators across the country and partnered with some of them to do some pretty cool things with and for students. I would have grown as a teacher too, but I am so thankful that I chose the route that I did.  Most of the growth has been uncomfortable, but the fruit from the growth has been the real reward.

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Conversely, I have turned down opportunities because I did not see the growth potential for taking part in those activities whether that meant choosing a particular direction to take a school, serve on committees, use my time, etc.

When you think about it, why go or do something if you are not going to grow in the process or if it is not going to make you better? So, the next time you are faced with a difficult decision ask yourself, "If I go there am I going to grow there?

Image result for if you're not growing you're dying

I want to hear from you.
What serves as your guiding principle(s) when faced with making difficult decisions?
