Love in a Jar of Pickles

Do you remember church homecomings? I do! When I was a kid my little church would be filled with generations of families coming back to celebrate and worship together. Well, no homecoming would be complete without good food!

My mama always made banana pudding. It was usually one of the first desserts to get eaten. If you wanted some, you needed to get it on the plate right away. As I write this post, I can taste it! Other favorites were the fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mac 'n cheese, field peas, creamed corn, etc. Okay, you get the picture. Everything was a favorite! 

But one of my favorite favorites was homemade watermelon rind sweet pickles. I don't know which sweet, little, old lady made them. I assume a sweet, little, old lady made them. After all when you're eight everyone is old! 

Over the years I've looked for the pickles in stores, church fellowships, social gatherings, etc. but always without success until last Christmas. Each year Carole's oldest sister hosts the family for a Christmas lunch. Last year the most amazing pickles were on the kitchen counter. They weren't watermelon rind sweet pickles, but they tasted just like them! I found out that Carole's niece's husband brought them. I commented on how much I liked them and asked where they could be found. I really wanted to find them because they were really good, but more importantly, these pickles brought back great memories of a time and place with people that hold a special place in my heart.

I didn't find them again until yesterday at Carole's sister's Christmas lunch with family. If you've read earlier posts, you know that Carole passed away in October. So, this lunch was different; special, but different. Carole's niece's husband reached over and gave me a plastic bag with a gift inside.

Opening the bag I found love in a jar of pickles. He said that Carole had told him how much I enjoyed the pickles from last year. 

I'm teary eyed now just thinking about how Carole loved me so much and knew me so well that a jar of pickles would be gift enough. I think God winked at me yesterday and smiled.

Don't ever take for granted the things you say and do. I think it's often the little things, perhaps even the things we may think are inconsequential that make the biggest difference in a life. 

As we approach Christmas, think of Jesus wrapped up in those swaddling cloths, unassuming, in a dirty, smelly stall with animals. He didn't come wrapped up in much either, but oh, what a priceless gift of love He is!

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (ESV)


  1. This is one of my favorite things about Carole. She loved people and showed it in many ways--big and small. I so miss my kindhearted friend! I hope her example will rub off on me just a bit. Thank you for this sweet story.

    1. You have the same spirit that she does! Thank you for all of your acts of kindness!


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